GROVER CLEVELAND (D) - 1885-1889 / 1893-1897
Cleveland became the 22nd President in 1885 and the 24th President in 1893. He entered the office with a reputation of integrity, and he managed to keep it intact, even if his several principled vetoed infuriated the Congress.
One was the Texas Seed Bill, which would give $10,000 to purchase seeds for ailing Texas farmers. Cleveland vetoed it, saying "though the people should support the government, the government should not support the people." He was against welfare programs and expanding federal jurisdiction. He fought against high tariffs, as the government was running surpluses, but the Republicans believed if they reduced them, it'd ruin American businesses. It was an issue kept alive during Cleveland's election campaign, and it helped Benjamin Harrison squeak out a win.
After Harrison's squandered term, Cleveland came back into office in 1893 with renewed support, but the Panic of 1893 was the worst financial crisis in decades, and Cleveland didn't seem to know how to handle it. He successfully reduced tariffs and offset the revenue loss by raising taxes, but a railroad workers' strike prompted Cleveland to send federal troops, causing an increase in workers' distrust of DC.
His vetoes were numerous but mostly a good thing. He read each bill and got rid of any he saw as payoffs or returned favors.
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