Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Utah County Republican Convention - 5/4/13

Getting here took a little creativity, by which I mean the Provo marathon had closed off several roads.  I had to wait for people to clear and eventually drove down a few blocks where I thought it might be easier to cross.

Tons of pamphlets and fliers being handed out, tons of signage everywhere. You'd think this was the caucus.

Sen. Lee spoke first.  He said DC tried to take away our guns and he said no.

Rep. Chaffetz was next. Gave a plug for his upcoming FNS appearance to discuss Benghazi.

Gov. Herbert was able to rattle off several statistics on how well Utah is doing, and briefly addressed his recent visit to Israel.

They passed around some glass collection boxes for money.

Now to the candidates.

For Utah County GOP Chair

David Acheson: Asks for vote based on strength of fact that past 2 years have proven productive and healthy. What have we accomplished together? Two years ago we couldn't even agree on an agenda at our meetings. We actually leave meetings with plan of action. What have we done with money raised? We've rented schools for meetings, hosted successful Lincoln Day dinners, donated $34,000 to Republican candidates. We're going to take back the 4th district in 2014.  Utah County GOP party donated $10,000 to Mia Love's campaign.  SLC GOP Party donated $0.

Casey Voeks: I ran Mia Love's campaign in 2012. I will engage the youth. To improve our party fundraiser, I will find new donors. As a chairman, I will improve our outreach. I will fulfill all the duties of chairman.

Voeks won.

For Utah County GOP Vice-Chair

Randy O'Hara: He brings his wife and child up with him. I wanted to run because we have a fractured party that diminishes our elected officials. I do not believe in the tyranny of the minority. We should have a vote and move on. Focus on what we have in common. Then he talks about his DUI for a while and finally withdraws and endorses Acumen. Outgoing vice-chair leaps up and grabs his mike.

I know he's trying to reform his image but that was NOT the way to do it. Left a bad taste in my mouth.

Daryl Acumen: 1st, we need to stop demonizing each other. I grew up with Democrats. I know who the enemy is. The enemy is Barack Obama, Jim Matheson, Robert Reich, Louis Farrakhan. We have so many Republicans here that sometimes we forget who the enemy is and we look at each other instead.

Patrick Holman: I am a white middle-aged heterosexual male, therefore the press considers me intolerant. Why do we tolerate a Democrat representing the most Republican county in the most Republican state?

Acumen won.

For Utah County GOP Secretary

Christy Kane: Spoke about raising her flag in her yard. Teared up when talking about her father's example to her. I'll make sure you get the information you need.

Kirby Glad: I accept personal responsibility and don't seek to blame others. I ask you to take more responsibility as well, help us to defeat Matheson. I replaced the last secretary who was removed. We need to reach out to youth and new citizens.

Glad won.

They announced the delegate count and it was 49%.  Only 49%?  This is what happens when you cram the caucuses with one-candidate delegates; they shirk on their duties after the election.

Within my own Senate district, we vote on the committee members.  Nine ran for four spots. Adrielle Bowler (the only woman to run), Jared Jardine, Arturo Morales-Ilan and Brandon Beckham won.

Then the sexy part of the evening: voting on amendments to party documents!  Clarifying the LD Vice-Chair's duties passed.  Adopting a Chief Technical Officer passed.  Standing Committee Duties did not pass.  Softening of the immigration language did not pass.

I had to run right after that so I didn't get to say Hi to most people I wanted to, but Lisa, Joey, Daryl, Mike, etc., thanks, congrats, catch you next time!  And remember, if you're not going to go to any of the meetings, don't run to be a delegate!


Joey Smith said...

John: Always love reading your summaries, and your point about "one candidate delegates" is spot on. I hope you're planning to run again in the 2014 caucus - you've been a credit to LD60 and OR-28.

Lisa said...

Trying to provide a transparent process has been my goal. I

t's too bad that a few derailed probably the best proposal to provide transparency and accuracy in our lists and organization with the Standing Committees C105/B147. They can always be tweaked and brought back.

We have not done a good job in giving the delegates a reason to remain engaged after the nominating conventions. It's all about education and that the leadership didn't support. Big breakdown in process.