Friday, August 15, 2014

The Amendment 3 Song

We were talking about Utah's Amendment 3, and someone asked, "What's Amendment 3?"

"What's Amendment 3?" I responded, which felt like the beginning of  a musical number. I have the tune in my head, but if you picture Robert Preston singing it, you'll be close.

In the Utah Constitution
They sought a resolution
To define the institution
Known as marriage to you and me

But with changing definitions
They gathered and petitioned
To not let the same-sex edition
Rise to the level of legality

The Amendment, it was passed
Man and woman only and at last
But the courts were then aghast
And had to decide if this could stand

And so throughout the nation
In every paper, on every station
They report renewed elation
As gay marriage passed throughout the land

Shot down! Denied!
Amendment 3 nullified!

Republicans, is this settled?
"Activist judges, they have mettled!"

We'll now debate it in our caucus
And neither Evans nor Dabakis
Can sway or calm the ruckus
Until the Supreme Court has their say

So we can stew and fret and wait
And have passioned debate
Until the feds inform the state
"Same-sex marriage is here to stay!"

*fanfare* *end song*

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