Wednesday, May 11, 2011

InTrade Watch on 2012 GOP Hopefuls

1. (1) Mitt Romney - 23.9%
2. (2) Tim Pawlenty - 15.3%
3. (6) Jon Huntsman - 12%
4. (3) Mitch Daniels - 11%
5. (6) Mike Huckabee - 7.5%
6. (6) Sarah Palin - 5.2%
7. (5) Donald Trump - 4.4%
8. (10) Newt Gingrich - 4.1%
9. (4) Michelle Bachmann - 4%
10.(-) Herman Cain - 3%

Rising: Jon Huntsman, Mitch Daniels, Mike Huckabee, Herman Cain
Falling: Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, Michelle Bachmann, Haley Barbour

Haley Barbour dropped off because he announced he won't be running for president.

The first GOP presidential debate arguably helped Herman Cain the most, who went from "has no chance" to cracking the top ten here. Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and Gary Johnson did not, and Tim Pawlenty slipped a little.

Mitt Romney's still top dog, but it seems like a lot of voters are anxiously looking elsewhere. Flavors of the month rise and fall, and Trump and Bachmann had their fun but now they're sliding off. Huntsman and Daniels will have their turn.

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