1. (1) - Mitt Romney 69.6%
2. (2) - Newt Gingrich - 8.3%
3. (4) - Jon Huntsman - 4.7%
4. (3) - Ron Paul - 2.5%
5. (5) - Rick Perry - 2.4%
6. (7) - Rick Santorum - 1.4%
7. (6) - Michele Bachmann - 1.1%
8. (-) - Jeb Bush - .8%
Why did Jeb Bush show up? Because of the trail balloon floated that if the Republicans have a brokered convention, Jeb Bush could sweep in and win the nomination.
I'm guessing Ron Paul has slipped due to the flack over the racially-tinged articles in the newsletter that bore his name.
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