Huckabee is on a stage with a live audience. They're in line to ask questions.
8:00 - Huck introduces Gov. Nikki Haley. She is rocking it in the black dress with knee-high boots.
8:02 - Mike Huckabee's intro is starting to lull me to sleep, but he wakes us up with an applause line about how the candidates are not allowed to attack each other. Ron Paul won't be here, but Jon Huntsman will. Innnteresting.
8:03 - Rep. Tim Scott has rehearsed lines to sing the praises of South Carolina's importance.

Some people ask what govt can do to help, but I want to stop govt from doing what hurts. I don't want to go back to those "years of yesteryear." Not going to return to the days of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae just handing out mortgages to people who couldn't possibly repay them. Interest only mortgages got us in real trouble. With 9.9% unemployment here in SC, we need to get this economy going, get people jobs.
Follow-up: Will you continue to keep mortgage interest as a tax deduction?
8:08 - Question on separation of power. Seems like the Prez is assuming a lot of power that isn't really there.
The Prez has taken extra-Constitutional powers and is appointing his friends to positions of power, most egregious was the National Labor Relations Board, paying back organized union labor, put "union stooges" on the board. Obama came in with Dem house and Dem senate so he didn't feel he needed to reach across the aisle. He wants to jam through what he likes to do.
8:12 - Question: I'm a Ron Paul supporter. After RomneyCare and supporting TARP bailout, how can we believe you and Obama aren't two sides of the same coin?
Obama and I would take the country in two very different directions. He wants to weaken the military, cut a trillion dollars in spending. He wants to spend way more than we have. Like Ron Paul and others, I want to cut spending and balance the budget. Like Ron Paul, I want a free economy where govt gets out of the way.
8:14 - Question: I'm on Medicare. What will you do to keep doctors from opting out of Medicare so they'll continue to serve seniors and military families?
Obama and co. want to put in price controls and tell docs how much they can be reimbursed. It hasn't worked; we have the highest health-care costs in the world. I want to treat health-care like a market. Like Paul Ryan described, I'd reshape Medicare where individuals can choose traditional Medicare or private Medicare plans. The way to keep costs down is competition.
8:17 - Question: As a Christian, I am disturbed there are growing anti-Christian sentiments in this country. It seems like there are more restrictions against religion all the time. What will you do to protect freedom of religion?
I will stand up for the ability of all Americans to worship God how they choose. I don't believe in the secularization of America. People should be able to put up manger scenes at Christmastime, or menorrahs for Hannakuh, etc.
8:19 - Question: Can you convince me - (Mitt gives a 'heh' laugh here which makes her pause a fraction of a second) - as a true conservative why we should vote for you, a moderate Republican, against any of the other candidates? Will you flip-flop on any issues once elected, and will you break campaign promises like Obama has?
You have an opportunity to get to know me through my record. I think you'll find I served as a conservative governor. We balanced the budget every year, we cut taxes 19 times, I empowered our police to enforce immigration law, I implemented English immersion in our schools, I cut the spending in our budget my first year. Read my book No Apology. I love America.
8:23 - Next is JON HUNTSMAN. First question is what would you do in first 30 days that would have positive impact on people who vote for you.
Plugs that he and Huck last appeared on stage together with REO Speedwagon.

8:25 - Three-part question. So many people out of work, will you continue to sanction people coming in, taking our high-tech jobs.
We need to fix our immigration problem. We need to secure the southern border. For those who go to our universities, I would incentivize them to stay, to grow our economy. We need to increase tourism. We need a leader who can reform the Dept of Homeland Security.
8:28 - You are pro-life but you place stipulations on rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. If every life is of God, how can you place stipulations on these lives?
I'm clear on my pro-life philosophy. Points out his daughter he adopted from China, she was abandoned at two months, but he's glad her mother gave her life. I've studied it and I have those three stipulations and I hope that's good enough for you.
8:30 - The ultimate candidate could face $1 billion of dirty tricks. Do you anticipate an undercurrent of religious prejudice, and if so, how do you intend to defend your beliefs?
I intend to defend my faith, my family, my beliefs by being who I am. They'll come to know the family of the candidate. All you can do is be your best. The good people of this country will get to know you.
8:34 - We put a man on the moon, but now we can't put a man into space w/o hitching a ride with Russia. What would you do to save space program?
The space program inspires the next generation. I was 9 when man landed on the moon. There's the economic benefit. I will not subcontract our space program out to any other country. I will make sure we have an economy that can support a solid space program.
8:36 - Dept. of Education has grown exponentially, and yet no progress. Where do u stand on that Department.
Simple answer. So long to the Dept. of Education. I've had seven kids. We did public school, private school, homeschooling, international schooling. A one-size-fits-all approach to education won't cut it. We need to focus on early childhood development.
8:38 - Question on foreign aid. We spend millions rebuilding mosques in Syria, sewer system in Egypt, we have a trade deficit with China yet we gave them $7 million to fight air pollution. How would you strive to change this?
If our invested dollar doesn't have a return to the US by expanding our economy or creating jobs, I want nothing to do with it. My foreign policy is to get our house in order.
8:43 - Next is NEWT GINGRICH. First question is from a pregnant woman who was laid off. What is your plan to create jobs nationally and specifically in SC?
Nationally I worked with Reagan and we created 16 million jobs. I worked with Clitnon and we created 11 million new jobs. (Is he listening to himself?) I'd repeal Dodd-Frank which is killing jobs. We should develop offshore natural gas here in SC. We should take part in the royalties from the natural gas. Thru tax policy we need to rebuild infrastructure in SC.
8:45 - The Founding Fathers were opposed to a national bank.
I wrote a series of books on the founding fathers. I'd want to be more like them, which is why I'd want Bernake fired my first day in office. I'm against the Fed propping up the Euro.
8:47 - People in economy understand creative destruction. How do you defend attacking that?
I don't attack it. Gov. Romney... (boos) Okay, let me rephrase. Our candidate needs to be prepared to answer the tough questions before we nominate them.
8:49 - I voted for Obama in 2008. People in this country are sick of partisan gridlock. How can we make progress?
With Reagan we had to get a third of the Democrats. As Speaker, we had Bill Clinton as president. You look at DC today, you're not going to fix that mess with speeches. You need to work together.
8:53 - How do you address the class warfare rhetoric of the Obama administration?
Reagan, Reagan, Reagan, we created millions of jobs. Obama's created more food stamps. I don't believe in 99% and 1%. I believe in 100% working for more jobs.
8:55 - I'm a federal worker. How are you going to cut the federl budget without cutting federal jobs?
When we talk about federal workers, we're talking about border security, our military, etc. An intelligent conservative wants the right employees carrying out their duties in an efficient way. The EPA is committed to dictation not cooperation.
8:57 - My fed taxes increased last year and now my health-insurance premiums have increased. If elected, how soon will you reverse this?
We need a run a team campaign. We need more senate seats, more house seats. I'd ask on my first day for Congress to repeal ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, and Sarbanes-Oxley.
8:59 - If you could change anything about election laws, what would it be?
I'd get rid of all the Mickey Mouse laws, let individuals contribute as much as they want as long as it's reporting each night, get rid of SuperPacs, get rid of negativity. The candidates would be responsible.
9:02 - Next is RICK SANTORUM. Many of us are pro-life like you. What would you do to win over liberals to beat Obama in Novewmber?

9:04 - My husband's been unemployed for four years. Our 401k is gone, the IRA is gone. We moved south becuz it's cheaper. What can you do for people in our position?
You chose a lovely state to move to, we vacation here. My economic plan is a bold plan, the WSJ called it the best. I believe we need to revive manufacturing, it's a robust sector that can grow. We need to compete with those other countries who are taking our manufacturing jobs.
9:07 - I bought 12 items from an outdoor shop. All of them were made in China. What will you do to correct the trade deficit?
We're selling sweater vests online. We're losing jobs becuz our govt is creating the imbalance with high taxes and regulations. I support legislation that require Congress to approve these regulations. Bush and Clinton tended to add 60 regulations a year, Obama's added 150 a year. We need regulation reform.
9:09 - How can you call yourself a true conservative when you've voted to raise the debt ceiling six times?
It was five, according to Ron Paul. When in Congress, you can work toward lowering spending, which I have. I authored the welfare reform bill, I've led on Social Security reform, I've led on Medicare reform. When dealing with debt ceiling you have to address entitlements.
9:11 - I'm concerned about the unemployed over 50. What say you to those who don't have resources?
Folks with experience can take it and use it to build their own business. This admin has crushing tax burden and regulation burden. Republicans are the party of small business. Obama loves big business. Then he can send in his regulators and embed them in the corporation and create a symbiotic relationship.
9:13 - You're pro-life, but you support the death penalty, and you support abortion in cases of rape and incest. How can you justify taking an adult life?
I don't have an exception for rape and incest. With death penalty, we're not talking about an innocent human life. The court rules you cannot be executed for rape, but the same court upheld that a child conceived from that rape could be killed. That is a country that has its morals upsode-down.
9:18 - Next is RICK PERRY. Having lived in NYC, I've seen people taken extreme advantage of welfare and disability. What would you do to reform welfare?
At fed level, we need HHS department that audits out fraud. In our state we saved $5 billion by combining some agencies but also by appointing an inspector general.
9:20 - As a businessman, I need to factor in tax code to any business decision I make. How will you simplify the tax code.
You'll love my plan. 20% flat tax. Steve Forbes and Club for Growth love it. It's the best plan. We get rid of capital gains, keep deductions for mortgage, charity, put it on a postcard and we'll reshape the IRS as we know it. Even Timothy Geitner could get his taxes in on time.
9:22 - When considering a vice-president, would you want someone who just makes appearances like Joe Biden, or someone integral in decision-making like Dick Cheney?
Mike, what do you have going on next year? (Laughs.) "Hosting this show." He was my neighbor so I know he can compete. My VP would be someone who shares my philosophy, you want someone who's a partner. Needs to be someone who shares your passion for this country, for small business, for defense.
9:24 - What executive action would you take with the out-of-control withe the NLRB?
Get rid of it, make it part of Dept. of Labor. Each of our states are under assault by this administration. They're actually at war with SC. Their justice dept wants to take on your sovereign right to have immigration laws in place, or your voter ID laws.
9:27 - Question: cuz Fed govt spends $4 billion a day more than it takes in, what's your plan to cut budget?
It's on my website. It outlines how we'll balance the budget by 2010. Ask yourself, Are you better off today than you were $4 trillion ago? The CEO of Coca-Cola said it's easier to do business in communist China than in the US. Cut the taxes and regulations!
9:30 - Will you eliminate the EPA and if not, why?
No state has been more under assault by the EPA than Texas. They are out fo control, spewing out regulations. I trust the state's legislatures to make rulings on their environment than some DC bureaucrat who's never set foot in this state.
9:32 - Will any manufacturing jobs that went to China come back?
They'll come back. We overtaxed and overregulated those jobs out of here. We need to not tax overseas profits that Americans try to bring back into the country. We need to give entrepreneurs incentive to innovate in this country, not drive them out. Drop corporate income tax.
Closing remarks
Mitt Romney - This election is about more than removing a president; it's about the soul of America. We should be an opportunity nation. Take risks, pursue dreams. Obama wants to make us an entitlement nation. He wants to make govt bigger, I want to make it smaller. I want to cut, cap and balance our budget. I want to restore America to its principles.
Rick Perry - I was a pilor in the US Air Force, but we need to bring change, real change, to DC. An outsider who has the background to bring change. It's my purpose to serve this country. We need a president with a tax plan, we need to radically change Congress to be part-time.
Rick Santorum - I want to return the power to the people of America. This is the most important election of our lifetime. We need a prez who recognizes and shares the values of America. Be bold, be strong in your vote. SC voted for Reagan in 1980. Believe! We can restore this country to greatness.
Jon Huntsman - I want people to remember I will always put my country first. I instill that in my two boys in the Navy. I want to bring term limits to Congress and get rid of them turning right around and becoming lobbyists. I want to get our troops out of Afghanistan and I want to rein in those banks that are too big to fail.
Newt Gingrich - If Obama wins reelection, he will be so radical, having been vindicated, that he will bring down this country. I'm going to make sure I mention Reagan more than anyone else. I created millions of jobs as Speaker. We need a conservative who can win the debates against Obama.
Huckabee asks audience members what they thought about the answers they had. First audience member he asked was the Ron Paul supporter who dissed Romney's answer. Of course.
Next audience member was a Santorum questioner. "My husband's 60, so I don't see how bringing back manufacturing jobs is going to help him."
Next was a Gingrich questioner. "I was disappointed he still wants to keep the Fed." Great that he wants to get rid of Bernanke. We see under Obama how we shouldn't let one person make so many appointments.
Next was a Perry questioner. "I liked his enthusiasm." But he felt he didn't get anything specific on what sectors of the economy would grow.
Next was Huntsman questioner, on the space program. Liked his line about not subcontracting out the space program, but we need something quickly.
Okay, so no audience member was satisfied with any candidate on any question. Interesting. What is Huck doing? Now he asks Rep. Scott if it helped him decide which candidate he wanted to support.
What intrigued me most about this is that these are Republican voters, but they are real middle-class people who are hurting and many of them were like "Don't take away my safety. What will you do for me in government?"
In the room, my hunch is Santorum fared best and Gingrich fared worst. I think Huntsman opened some eyes on South Carolina voters who didn't really know him. Perry's like a puppy-dog. Happy to be there, wagging his tail, not going to be president. Romney stuck to his stump speech talking points.
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