Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Political Spectrum Quizzes

I like to think I'm a pretty fair-minded guy, able to step back and objectively look at things without a partisan hat on.  (And I certainly put my partisan hat on when I want to.)  But I was taking some political quizzes on the internet and came across the Political Compass.  I've always liked the grid approach over the left-right line approach.  Here's where it put me:

I was a little surprised by this, and some of the questions are confusing, like what does astrology have to do with politics?  But then here's where it puts world leaders:

And presidential leaders:

Something tells me that if Obama and Romney sat down and took the quizzes themselves, their answers wouldn't land them so close together (though I can hear Ron Paul and Ralph Nader fans going, "Yes they would!")

So next I tried the one at GoToQuiz, and these were my results:

Huh. Not much different. I get the feeling a lot of America is close to where I am, but I do not have the personality of a politician.

So trying this further, let's see who lines up me presidential-wise, according to SelectSmart.  It's been different each time I've taken it, but here were today's results:

1.  Gary Johnson - 65%
2.  Ron Paul - 55%
3.  Mitt Romney - 55%
4.  Jon Huntsman - 52%
5.  Barack Obama - 48%
6.  Joseph Biden - 43%
7.  Newt Gingrich - 40%
8.  Herman Cain - 37%
9.  Rick Santorum - 37%
10.  Buddy Roemer - 33%
11. Rick Perry - 33%
12.  Michael Bloomberg - 24%
13.  Donald Trump - 22%
14.  Rocky Anderson - 20%
15.  Michelle Bachmann - 17%

There were others in there, but there's some of the main players.  Blows my mind that Romney and Paul are tied, but I guess they overlap on enough issues that it's possible.

Then I tried the one back at GoToQuiz.

It didn't give percentages, but the list order was:

Jon Huntsman
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Newt Gingrich
Rick Perry
Herman Cain
Barack Obama
Michelle Bachmann
Rick Santorum

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, you’re pretty consistent. The political spectrum serves as a guide to know how our attitude and beliefs reflect in a political fashion. However, we should be always guided by our OWN views and morality if we were to make decisions or to take a stand for/against something.

Faith Hawkins