1. (1) - Mitt Romney - 70.5%
2. (4) - Newt Gingrich - 13.3%
3. (5) - Ron Paul - 4.7%
4. (5) - Jon Huntsman - 3.9%
5. (3) - Herman Cain - 3.4%
6. (2) - Rick Perry - 3%
7. (7) - Mich. Bachmann - 1.1%
8. (8) - Rick Santorum - .6%
9. (10)- Sarah Palin - .3%
10.(8) - Gary Johnson - .2%
I imagine Tim Pawlenty and Mitch Daniels sitting at a bar somewhere, watching the NationalJournal debate on foreign policy cut off so CBS can show some reruns, then they flip the channel to one of the smaller cable-news channels where they talk about the inevitability of Mitt Romney, and how it's now Newt Gingrich's turn to surge.

Pawlenty: "Coulda been you."
Daniels: "If you hadn't dropped out after Ames, it would've been you."
(simultaneous sips from their brewskies)
Pawlenty: "One-point-six million from Freddie Mac for advice as a historian."
Daniels: "You're telling me. Why did we become governors?"
Pawlenty: "Think Ron Paul will get a turn?"
Daniels: "Why not? Then everyone will suddenly remember he'll be 77 years old in 2012, and they'll spin that story of some Paul blog defending a neo-Nazi, and it'll fizzle and die."
Pawlenty: "Then Huntsman?"
Daniels: "Right before Christmas. Then down on New Years Day."
Pawlenty: "Think Santorum will get a turn?"
They look at each other, then bust up laughing. They finish their beers, pay the tab, and put the Mitt 2012 buttons back on their jackets.
1 comment:
Nice. Very nice.
Best line? "Think Santorum will get a turn?"
Well written.
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