Wednesday, October 22, 2008

No One Will Win

If Barack Obama wins, it will be said it's because he broke his word about public financing and spent more money than any presidential candidate in history. He bought the election. It will be because the media is vastly Democratic or liberal-leaning, and they did more to vet Joe the Plumber than Barack Obama, an inexperienced first-time Senator who has spent more time running for president than serving as senator. It will be said the hate machine on the Left, from DailyKos to Huffington Post to Keith Olbermann engaged in Machiavellian tactics to make sure the Messiah won, and they ignored the illegal and dishonest tactics by ACORN to submit thousands of fraudulant votes throughout several battleground states. Unless it's a blow-out, it will be said he not only bought it, but stole it with voter fraud.

If John McCain wins, it will be said it's because America's still full of racists. It will be said it's because of the Bradley effect. It will be said that there must have been voter fraud on the Right, and hundreds of lawsuits will be filed. It will be said that it was the hate stirred up by Sarah Palin that got just enough conservatives angry enough to vote. Wouldn't surprise me to see riots if McCain wins.

Now neither of these scenarios may not generate, and if they do, it will only be noticed or thought about by a small percentage of this nation. The political system is set up to hate thy neighbor, and cable news channels should be called cable poll channels or cable pundit channels. CNN Headline News or C-Span are the only ones where the majority is actually news. I watch pieces of CNN, MSNBC and Fox News, but I can usually only stand a few minutes at a time at what I'm seeing.

Meanwhile there probably won't be any significant investigations as to what led to these meltdowns, because of how intertwined government already is with business, and how much more power the government can give itself due to the crises we have. Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Charlie Rangel won't even lose their chairs.

BUUUT politics has always been this way. When John Adams and Thomas Jefferson ran against each other, Adams said the election of Jefferson would lead to increased rape and murder in America.

The real reason if Obama wins: people want to vote for something, not against.

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