Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cable News Shake-Up

There's been a recent shakeup on the cable news landscape, so here's what is currently on their schedule.

5:00 - Big Screens & Holographic Guests w/ John King
6:00 - Fodder for Jon Stewart w/ Wolf Blitzer
7:00 - Why Yes I Am Dreamy w/ Anderson Cooper
8:00 - Future Home of Kardashian/Baio w/ Parker & Spitzer
9:00 - Piers Morgan Interviews People A Month Ago
10:00 - Still Dreamy; Watch Me Blink in Slo-Mo w/ Anderson Cooper

5:00 - Obama Likes Animals, Marx Liked Animals, I'm Just Sayin'... w/ Glenn Beck
6:00 - 10 Minutes of News and 50 Minutes of the Weekly Standard Interpreting It for Me w/ Bret Baier
7:00 - Mother Nature Is My Enemy w/ Shepard Smith
8:00 - Bernie Goldberg, Dick Morris & Karl Rove React to My Awesome Ratings w/ Bill O'Reilly
9:00 - Predictable Partisan Talking Points w/ Sean Hannity
10:00 - You're Too Tired to Change the Channel Aren't You w/ Greta Van Susteren

5:00 - Doesn't Matter What I Say, My Hair Will Mesmorize You w/ Dylan Ratigan
6:00 - The Other Side Is Worse But My Side Isn't Bad w/ Cenk Ungar
7:00 - Tea Party Women Frighten Me w/ Chris Matthews
8:00 - I'll Only Go Crazy Once A Week w/ Lawrence O'Donnell
9:00 - Bow to the Power of My Smirk w/ Rachel Maddow
10:00 - Manufactured Outrage w/ Ed Schultz

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

O'Reilly won't say Olbermann's name

I watched the segment on The O'Reilly Factor and did find it weird not that Bill O'Reilly wouldn't say Keith Olbermann's name (I'm pretty sure he hasn't said it on his program for several years), but that Bernie Goldberg complied and wouldn't say his name either.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

InTrade Watch on 2012 GOP Presidential Hopefuls - 1/11

The latest InTrade poll on the Republican nominee for president in 2012, based on Bid%.

1. (1) Mitt Romney - 21%
2. (2) Sarah Palin - 13%
3. (3) John Thune - 11.7%
4. (6) Tim Pawlenty - 8.8%
5. (4) Mike Huckabee - 8.4%
6. (5) Mitch Daniels - 7.9%
7. (9) Newt Gingrich - 4.2%
8. (8) Mike Pence - 3.1%
9. (7) Haley Barbour - 2%
10. (-) Chris Christie - 1.8%

Rising: Tim Pawlenty, Mike Huckabee, Mitch Daniels
Falling: Sarah Palin, Haley Barbour, Jeb Bush (10)

Sarah Palin has taken a hit in the aftermath of the Tucson shooting. She was at 19% last month.

Tim Pawlenty is pacing himself nicely, about what Huckabee was doing in 2007.

There are seem to be many Republicans who are positioning themselves for 2016, assuming the GOP nominee loses in 2012. They include Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Jon Huntsman, Bobby Jindal and Rick Perry.

A recent Iowa caucus poll had their top five as:

Mike Huckabee - 24%
Mitt Romney - 19%
Sarah Palin - 11%
Newt Gingrich - 8%
Tim Pawlenty - 4%

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Obama's Speech

I loved it. Even if he couldn't nail all the emotional moments, he got most of them, and it was a very well-written speech. Loved all the point it made, loved it basically closing the chapter on all the name-calling and vitriol that's been flying around since the shooting. The President is President of the whole country, not just the states that voted for him, and that's how he acted.

I do wish the college kids there could've been a little more sober and treated less like a "pep rally" but there it is.

Let's not forget 9-year-old Christina Greene. My own daughter would've been 10 right now. I feel for her parents.

Rush feels differently, to the point I don't think he should call himself conservative anymore. There needs to be a new name for whatever he's become. Reactionary? Ultrapartisan?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Gabrielle Giffords shot, surviving

a 22-year-old gunman killed 6 people and wounded several others, including congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona.

Here's the flashback of her addressing the Sarah Palin crosshairs ad.

Here's a look at the possible mental problems of Jared Loughner.