Thursday, January 13, 2011

Obama's Speech

I loved it. Even if he couldn't nail all the emotional moments, he got most of them, and it was a very well-written speech. Loved all the point it made, loved it basically closing the chapter on all the name-calling and vitriol that's been flying around since the shooting. The President is President of the whole country, not just the states that voted for him, and that's how he acted.

I do wish the college kids there could've been a little more sober and treated less like a "pep rally" but there it is.

Let's not forget 9-year-old Christina Greene. My own daughter would've been 10 right now. I feel for her parents.

Rush feels differently, to the point I don't think he should call himself conservative anymore. There needs to be a new name for whatever he's become. Reactionary? Ultrapartisan?

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