Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Landslide win

Barack Obama is about to get more votes than any US presidential candidate in history. He's also the first Democrat to get more than 50% of the vote since Jimmy Carter.

Even here in Utah, where John McCain won, Obama cut the amount Kerry lost by in half. I'd be interest to see if there is a single state where Obama failed to get the votes Kerry did in 2004.

The four main races here were no surprise. Republicans won the governor, and House Districts 1 & 3 by wide margins, and Democrat incumbant Jim Matheson won House 2 by an equally wide margin. It's up to Republicans in Congress now to learn from the successes and failures of Pres. Bush and look more like the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, and whoever that new leader may be.

And my bet is that Barack Obama will learn the lesson of the first two years of Bill Clinton, not overreach, and thus not blow the big gains made by the Dems in the House and Senate.

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