Tuesday, February 12, 2013

State of the Union 2013

7:10 - I think we can bipartisanly agree that the beginning ritual's a bit silly at this point. They announce the President. Standing ovation. He smiles and shakes hands with everyone, makes his way to the front. They announce him again. Standing ovation.

7:17 - "The Constitution makes us partners for progress." - JFK

7:19 - He says corporate profits are at an all-time high but wages are stagnant. Says government needs to work for the many not the few. Says the nation doesn't expect us to agree on every issue but they do expect us to put the nation before party. Wants $9 an hour minimum wage.

7:22 - The sequester was supposed to be a bad idea!

7:24 - "At the beginning of the next decade..." Let me stop you right there.

7:26 - Obama talking a lot about fairness, leading up to more tax reform, calls for a simplified tax code that closes loopholes for billionaires.

7:28 - Now talking about how doomed our country will be if we let the seqeuster happen.  Jobs will be lost, economy will plummet, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria. Says let's pass a budget that replaces reckless cuts with smart savings. (Didn't his last budget get zero votes?)

7:30 - "Can't believe I have to sit here and listen to this crap." - Boehner thought-bubble

7:32 - Every grin from Biden looks shark-like to me now.

7:34 - "We must do more to combat climate change" gets a standing O.

7:36 - There's a shot of Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Republican senator from Alaska. She's still there, and Sarah Palin was fired by Fox News.

7:38 - "Let's cut in half the energy wasted in our homes and businesses over the next 20 years." Hoo-boy, what's he about to propose? Federal incentives for energy-efficient buildings. More investment in infrastructure, bridges, etc.

7:39 - Bizarre three color thing going on with POTUS and the two men behind him. Joe Biden has a straight lavender tie, Obama has a straight blue tie, and Boehner has a solid salmon tie (with little dots).

7:42 - Pre-K for every child in America? Paid for how?

7:45 - We'll reward schools that focus on science, engineering, technology and math. Taxpayers can't keep subsidizing higher and higher costs. Colleges must do their part.

7:46 - "Now's the time to pass comprehensive immigration reform." Loudest applause since speech started. His outline sounds a lot like proposals I've seen from Republicans and Democrats. That's one promise I think he'll be able to keep.

7:55 - Train Afghans to take over their own security. Al Qaeda is a shadow of its former self.  We don't need to "occupy" other nations.

7:57 - "Now is the time" for a diplomatic solution to Iran, to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon.

8:00 - Will do new trade agreements with Europe.

8:02 - I saw progress in Burma, where thousands flew American flags and said they wanted their country to be like US.

8:05 - When any American are denied right to vote, because they can't afford to wait 5-6 hours to cast their ballot, we're betraying our ideals. Let's improve the voting process in America.

8:10 - Laying it on thick here with emotional appeal for gun control.

8:13 - Desilene Victor is 102-year-old voter. Very nice moment. Also, Brian Murphy, the officer shot 12 times in stooping the Sikh temple shooter. The personal stories are usually the best part of SOTU.

8:16 - Huh, it's suddenly over.

I recorded CBS so now Bob Schieffer's breaking down the speech. He loved it.

Next will be Marco Rubio. Lots of pressure on him. We all remember how Bobby Jindal was panned for his SOTU response.

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