Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Electoral Map

I've been looking at the latest polls and where certain states are leaning. It's close in a few areas, and it will be for months. But in going through some scenarios, this could easily turn into a 269-269 tie with electoral votes.

If McCain keeps the South, and Obama keeps the West Coast, Northeast, and Great Lakes states, and if McCain get Ohio and Colorado, but Obama gets Nevada and Iowa, it will end at 269-269.

If that happened it goes to the popular vote.

Or logically, you'd think that might be the case, but no, it would go to the House of Representatives. Realistically for the first time since John Quincy Adams vs. Andrew Jackson, the House of Representatives could be responsible for picking the next president. Each state would caucus its members, and each state would get one vote. States who have an even numbers of Republicans and Democrats would tie and not get a vote.

Currently the amount of states where Democrats exceed Republicans outnumber the states where Republicans exceed Democrats. So if it comes to a tie, Obama wins.

So I'll predict now. If McCain doesn't get Colorado and Nevada, he'll lose the election.

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