Thursday, September 11, 2008

Silly season

Lipstick on a pig.

Biden says Hillary might have been a better choice.

Rev. Wright slept with a married woman in his flock.

But this morning I turned on the TV and saw the footage from 2001. Everyone remembers what they were doing that day.

One thing that hasn't come up much this election cycle is terrorism. I think because people believe that both candidates have pretty much the same plan. They're different on taxes, energy, health care, Iraq, but I think "The War on Terror", a moniker that now means as much as Johnson's War on Poverty, Nixon's War on Cancer or Reagan's War on Drugs, will subside into a more rational form. I don't think the world is so much anti-American as they are anti-Bush, and after the election, the world will breathe a sigh of relief.

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