Monday, December 12, 2011

Huntsman-Gingrich Lincoln-Douglas "Debate"

- Jon Huntsman called Pakistan the second candidate for failed-nation state, behind North Korea, and says our relationship with India is key for that region.

- Newt Gingrich said we rely too much on foreign countries for our international intelligence.

- Gingrich said if Iran gets a nuclear weapon, it's time for a regime change.

- Huntsman said Iran will be the transcendant threat for this decade, not Afghanistan or Iraq. Said we missed an opportunity during the Persian Spring of 2009.

- Huntsman can't abide a nuclear Iran either. Says you'd have to expect Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt to get their own nuclear weapons shortly thereafter.

It wasn't really a debate; it was more of a co-lecture, a discussion that dealt mostly with foreign policy where they agreed on 90% of what they talked about. Overall, Jon Huntsman sounded very presidential, and Newt Gingrich continued to display his fondness of polysyllabic adverbs. But Gingrich wasn't out to beat Huntsman, he was out to elevate him so he'll take more votes from Mitt Romney in New Hampshire.

1 comment:

Daniel B. said...

Newt's a regular sesquipedalian, he is.

Fundamentally speaking.