Wow, looks like Huck's put back on all the weight he lost when running for president in 2008. Huck will be the moderator, and aiding in the questions will be three ravenously ambitious state attorneys general.
I honestly love the explanation and the set-up of this format. Looking forward to how it will go, all snarking aside. Also believe it was a mistake for Jon Huntsman to skip this. First each questioner gets a chance to crow.
Scott Pruitt - OK - Lets us know he doesn't believe Obama respects the principles of the Constitution.
Pam Bondi - FL - Obama's trying to undermine our Constitution. What will fix our problems is a conservative Republican who shares our values.
Ken Cuccinelli - VA - Also suing the fed govt "to protect our Constitution" aka ObamaCare.
7:05 - Pam starts, big grin, says his "stand on immigration could lead to more illegal immigration." Advocates jury of peers on illegal immigrants (?), wants to implement secure borders and guest-worker program. Pam: "MY concern is putting friends and neighbors in charge of judging." (Man, are they going to insert themselves into the conversation like this all night?) Newt points out the founders supported juries over judges because they didn't always trust judges.
7:08 - Ken: "Why should Constitutional conservatives LIKE ME trust you... individual mandate, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae." Newt says Heritage came up with individual mandate as a way of blocking HillaryCare, but then he speeds to say "sitting on a couch with Nancy Pelosi is the dumbest thing I've done in years." I testified against Al Gore on climate change. As Speaker we balanced the budget, did welfare reform, "vigorous" tenth Amendment defender.
7:10 - Okay, Ken refers to himself again in the follow-up question. I was worried a Donald Trump debate might be self-aggrandizing but I'm already fed up with these attorneys and one of them hasn't even had his turn. Ken, Pam, this is not about you. "How will you stick to shrinking the fed govt?" I've done it in Reagan's Congress and as Speaker... 'But how will you as President?" I'm giving you my experience to show I can be trusted. The Tea Party needs to understand you can't get everything you want by just appointing good people, it takes a lot of work.
Commercials! For Dragon Tattoo movie, Verizon, Geico, Advil, Sam Adams beer, Salvation Army.
7:14 - Scott: "Obama seems to think DC has all the answers to our natl problems. Can you name some natl problems that neither the president nor Congress should solve?" Education, most of DC bureaucracy should be dismantled, Medicaid should go back to the states, replace the EPA with something that has "economic rationality." Tenth Amendment talks about the states and the citizens. Shrinking DC depts requires growing local citizenship. (Scott didn't refer to himself once. Nice.)
7:16 - Newt slams a judge in San Antonio who bans the use of the words "God, invocation, benediction" at a graduation ceremony and said if his order was violated, the superintendent would be thrown in jail.
7:17 - Pam: "Is it wrong for the feds to intrude on states' authority?" (Softball alert!) Nothing wrong with a prez advocating change, but he can't then say the fed govt will be in charge of it. Then defends sitting with Nancy, saying he wants conservative environmentalism.
7:19 - Ken: "favorite founding father?" George Washington, then rattles off a bunch of reasons why.
Commercials! Infiniti, GE, Tempurpedic beds.
7:22 - Pam: "You said Abe Lincoln ran over our civil rights during the Civil War. Are there any elements of the Patriot Act that run over our civil rights?" (Great question, Pam. You're forgiven.) No! "Why?" I voted for the Patriot Act, most of the changes were consistent with how we deal with drug kingpins and gangsters. "How did Abe run over our civil rights?" Suspended habeus corpus, but he did what he had to do.
7:24 - Scott: "Strengthening the family is important to you and it's important TO US. is that a proper function with respect to fed govt?" I'm father of seven, family's important to me and America. Fed govt undermines family, look at our welfare programs. We do things to break families apart. We had the marriage tax penalty. There are things Prez can do beyond laws. "Where do the states fit?" Well, I was the author of the Fed Welfare Reform bill, only time we've taken fed program and sent it back to states. We should cut, cap, freeze welfare, send it back to states.
7:27 - Ken: "Since Constitution doesn't have authority to ban abortions..." I support Constitutional amendment to ban abortion, if you will. We need uniform law on values that undergird our country. I fought for marriage amendment; we can't have 50 definitions of marriage in this country.
7:29 - Pam: "In FL, I'VE had to sue the EPA for devastating water standards. What principles would you follow in instituting "any" environmental regulation. Endangered species act is overly broad. This is what the left is best at. "What would you do?" I won't sign a straight re-authorization; I'll make Congress go back and fix the overly broad wording.
7:31 - Scott: "Why do you think the founders created separation of state and federal powers?" (Seriously?) They did it to protect the rights of the states and the citizens.
7:32 - Ken: "Constitutionally why is the president wrong to not defend the Defense of Marriage Act signed by Pres. Clinton?" I'm happy he isn't, becuz he was throwing the case. "You mean they were rolling over?" They were rolling over. (Objection! Leading the witness!)
7:34 - Pam: "Are the courts the only arbiter of the Constitution?" (Softball alert!) No.
Commercials! Wells Fargo, Lexus, Crestor, 21st Century Insurance.
7:37 - Ken: "If elected you said you'd give an executive order to invalidate ObamaCare. What is your authority to invalidate a law passed by Congress?" (Bam!) There's a lot in that bill that gives authority to the departments, so I'd make sure my Health & Human Services secretary shares my philosophy, Medicare needs to go back to the states. "It sounds like you're ready to use an executive order to invalidate the parts you don't agree with." Absolutely. "What is your authority for that?" The executive order gives you that authority. (So the President is a king, Rick?)
7:39 - Pam: "All 3 OF US here represent right-to-work states. Do u favor passing a natl right-to-work law?" The states have the right to do that. I'm a big 10th amendment supporter. States have to compete with each other. Get the fed govt making one-size-fits-all, even if it's something we like. We made Texas a very good place for businessmen & women.
7:41 - Scott: "Illegal immigration costs each state billions of dollars. Should the fed govt have to pay for that?" We send them a bill every year. The real issue is border security. I've been dealing with this for 10 years. Sheriff Joe endorsed me cuz of this. "Would u favor the states being able to sue fed govt for cost of them not enforcing, securing border?" Absolutely, but it'll become a non-issue cuz I'll secure the border.
Commercials! Sea-Bond denture gum, Aleve, Subaru, Neat scanner, Tempurpedic beds.
7:46 - Pam: "If parents and states fail education, does Fed have obligation to intervene?" No. The state legislators will do that. We'll never have that situation happen. We have Fed govt intervening too much. Education of kids is state and local issue. "Would u get rid of fed assistance for school lunch, Pell grants, GI bill?" Yes, well, maybe keep the GI bill. Fed picks winners & losers. (Huh?)
7:48 - Scott: "Which Supreme Court justices do u consider strict constructionists?" (Rick grins at the softball.) Alito and Roberts! We have four liberal legislators in robes on the Court right now. There's no accountability, but I'd like a Constitutional amendment to limit the term of a Supreme Court judge. (ooh, most of the Founders wouldn't agree with that.) "What's more preferable to you: overturn Roe v. Wade and return abortion laws to states, or passing a Human Life Amendment?" I'd do both! Until u get that Constitutional Amendment passed, the states can pass their own abortion laws.
7:50 - Ken: "Any reason labor law has to be dominated by fed govt?" Leave that to the states as well. "Would u be ready to get fed govt out of business of union elections?" Absolutely. "Favorite Founding father?" Madison. Brilliant individual.
7:51 - Huck (hey, Huck's first question!): "Explain to the layman what a strict constructionalist is." Rick then pulls his microphone trying to get his pocket Constitution out, then holds it upside down and says read this and don't try to change it. (How many Constitutional Amendments did he endorse?)
Commercials! Hugo movie, Prudential, US Postal Service, Cymbalta (which might make u suicidal and cause fatal liver problems), AT&T.
7:56 - Scott: "U've been strong opponent of ObamaCare as WE have been. U said states cannot pass individual mandate. What's your authority for that?" It goes back to our inherant freedoms. Overriding issue is ObamaCare will change face of country forever, cost trillions of dollars, take away our liberty, collapse Medicare, tax-subsidized abortion, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria, etc. Obama ordered every health insurance company in America to cover free the morning-after pill. "WE passed stature to say no one could be forced to buy insurance. Was that unnecessary?" No, u did the right thing. But it is the law of the land right now. It will steamroll every state and make socialized medicine the law of the land.
7:58 - Pam: "U've pledged to deport all 11 million illegal immigrants. That'll cost $135 billion. How would u do it?" There's a $113 billion cost each year to let them stay. We should uphold the law. "What's your plan for executing the plan?" Enforcement by ICE agents; they're not enforcing them now. We have sanctuary cities. "MY fear is that the money will get dumped on MY state." Congress has specific ennumerated power to secure the border; it's their role. Fed govt needs to pay for deportation cost.
8:00 - Ken: "U're for tort reform. Do u support cap on damage amounts?" Yes, absolutely. "Do u support federal rules for how states handle their tort reform?" I can.
Commercials! The Debt on DVD, Geico, UPS, MassMutual, Shriners Hospitals
8:04 - Scott: "Will eliminating Dept of Education be enough to get fed govt out of education?" No, we need full-scale repeal of the burdens and mandates as well as abolish Dept of Education. We didn't have that dept. til the 1970's so we can get by w/o it. "U said you'd get rid of EPA too." We have 50 state EPA's. The fed EPA has become a govt unto themselves. "I AGREE with you, but how would you deal with inter-state environment issues?" They can be negotiated. "U can't negotiate w/o legal foundation. If they don't negotiate, then what?" Good point. But there may be a need for new legislation to deal with these issues, but look at what's happening now. Cap and tax, controlling businesses. "Hey, WE'RE all suing the EPA, so..." Thank you very much!
8:08 - Pam: "Other than Roe v. Wade, what was the worst Supreme Court decision of the last 50 years?" Well, all-time worst was Dred Scott, but int he last 50, there are so many. I'll go with Kelo decision. It was a govt entity taking private property from an individual that would benefit govt in form of revenue and give it to another. Scott: 'What would u do to protect private property?" If a case goes before the court, they need to uphold the Constitution.
8:10 - Pam: "Kelo's one of MY worst too. U support federal Human Life amendment; why not leave to states?" Inalienable rights are given to us by God, not man. Decl. of Independence said we should protect those rights; that includes rights.
Commercials! GE, Lexus (two different commercials that end with loved-one surprised other with a new car with a giant bow on top; must be cool to be rich), Nexium, Samuel Adams beer.
That tie would have been right at home around Henry Gibson's neck in Nashville (1976).
8:13 - Ken: "What do u think are the 3 primary domestic responsibilities of fed govt?" Protect borders, provide sound currency, enforce Bill of Rights, like property rights, speech and so forth.
8:14 - Scott: "In 1995 WE lost 165 Oklahomans in domestic terrorist attack. Atty general uses tools of Patriot Act to combat domestic terrorism. I TOO share your concerns with privacy but what thoughtful alternative do u have to the Patriot Act?" If your goal is to prevent all crimes and all acts, u destroy all liberty by doing that. If the Patriot Act had been called The Repeal of the Fourth Amendment, it wouldn't have passed, but that's what it did. We have plenty of laws but if u try to pass laws to prevent all crimes, what r u going to do, put a camera in every home? Terrorism is a crime not a war. We use it to justify things. There's nothing in the Constitution authorizing a natl police force. We have 100,000 fed troops carrying guns.
8:18 - This Pam Bondi clearly dislikes Paul. She sneers when asking him what he calls the attack on the Twin Towers. First he calls it an act of violence, then concedes it was a terrorist attack. We need to understand the problems and not just say we need more fed policemen. This is all messed up; we've been told this is all becuz people want to come here and kill us becuz we're free. As long as we keep saying that, we're not going to be any safer.
8:19 - Pam: "Obama has had the audacity to say less regulation means dirtier air, dirtier water. Is that what less fed regulation really means?" (Aw, a nice softball for him after going mean-girl the question before.) No, that's not what it means. If u don't have regulations on the environment or banking, the free market is actually a strict regulator. Drug companies write their own regulations, banking writes their own legislation, they become lobbyists. If u have the market, u have property rights, contract rights. The market took care of Enron, they were tried for fraud and sent to prison. It's up to us to argue the case.
Commercials! Red Lobster, Sea-Bond denture bond (Fox News must think no one under age 65 is watching at this point), Aleve, DirecTV,
8:23 - Scott: "You've called Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security unconstitutional, so this must mean you plan to get rid of them." Well, not overnight. You guys slam ObamaCare for having a mandate, but there are all sorts of mandates in medicine and govt programs. We need a transitional program. There's nothing in the Constitution that says to spend one penny on education. But I would preserve some of these programs with the purpose of phasing them out. We're in trouble becuz there's no respect for Constitution. "Why would u vote for budget u consider unconstitutional?" I advocate transition programs, that makes a big difference.
8:25 - Ken: "Please put in order of importance: sovereignty of people, states, fed govt." Well, people and states, and very little for fed govt. none for international govt like UN and NATO for things we do around the world.
8:26 - Scott: "Are there any Amendments to Constitution u believe are mistakes?" What? "Mistakes." Can't quite hear. "Just pick a few." Well, the Prohibition one was terrible, it led to a decade of increased crime, but then we repealed it. The Bill of Rights are amendments and they're great. The others aren't enough for me to get riled up about.
8:27 - Pam: "If you could suggest every American read one book, what would it be?" Excluding religiously oriented? "Could be." Since we're talking about politics and the law, "The Law" by Bastiat would wake them up. It says if you can't do it, the govt can't do it. If u can't steal, u can't let a politician steal.
Commercials! AT&T, Align probiotic, Dodge Ram trucks, Pradaxa (can cause fatal bleeding).
Two different drug commercials where they fine-print the fact that taking their drug could kill you.
Looking unusually orange.
8:31 - Scott: "U know Oklahoma is a leader in energy; but when they say u're EPA admin won't be much different than Obama's." Well, Mike Leavitt is a friend of mine and he was Bush's EPA admin and the oil and gas people tell me it was a whole lot better under him. I see the EPA eliminating fracking and say this is just their effort to go all solar and wind and raise our costs drastically. "Would u put a stop the fed from interfering with fracking regulation?" Yes, the EPA's trying to get more power. We all like renewables, but renewables alone will not power this economy. EPA is holding down private sector.
8:34 - Ken: "Obama says his health-care was based on yours. What would u say?" I'd say thanks but why didn't u give me a call? I liked my bill overall, but what the prez has done is way beyond what we did. We were trying to take care of the 8% in Mass. uninsured. "What u did affected the entire insurance industry?" Very little for the 92%. In terms of getting down cost of health-care, that's what we should be working toward.
8:36 - Pam: "U supported No Child Left Behind in 08; what role does fed govt have in education policy?" Let me say I continue to support aspects of NCLB. Fed govt has role to stand up to fed teachers unions, prevent cyber-learning, prevent merit-pay. Bush recognized to determine which schools or teachers are fialing, we need to test. Bush stood up to those huge unions. Education should be done by state and locals. But NCLB was Bush's way of standing up to teachers union. "So would u support removing fed pay for school lunches, Pell grants, GI bill?" Some yes, some no. School lunch deals with the poor, those that deal with poor I'll look at one by one, but most I'll send to states to have them deal with it.
8:38 - Scott: "U've said u want to support strict constructionist to Supreme Court. What does that mean to u?" Supreme Court needs to protect the Constitution, not use it as springboard to insert their own ideas. Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Scalia are strict constructionists. I want brilliant constructionists who share my values who have a good track record.
8:39 - Pam: "There are 1000s of illegal immigrants who come into MY state of Florida. Given the fed govt's complete lack of securing border, what should Florida do to protect themselves." States have right to protect their own people. I vetoed in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. I gave ICE power to deal with illegal immigration laws. Fed govt needs to step up.
8:40 - Ken: "Is there any reason labor law has to be dominated by fed govt?" First step is to revamp natl labor relations board if not eliminate all together. My own view states should put in right-to-work laws to allow people to work w/o having to join union. "Is that a maybe?" I wouldn't get rid of all fed labor laws but I would look at them and say as many as I can, turn it back to the states.
Commercials! Expedia, Verizon, Salvation Army, Biotene, UPS.
Closing arguments! One minute each.
ROMNEY - Historically this has been a merit-based society, which has made us strong. Obama wants to see an entitlement-based society, where they spread rewards around, and the most go to those who do the spreading the govt. I've worked in private sector, I know how this economy works.
PERRY - I hope everyone gives me a second look. We'll put a part-time Congress in place. Look at my plan, and give me another chance.
PAUL - We've turned the Constitution on its head, our congresses, our courts, our executive have taken too much power, and the states suffer the consequences. We've forgotten the principle of nullification. The states have to be able to nullify this! (Wow,
GINGRICH - We've seen some very intelligent people to ask some very important questions. Eight years of Obama would be a disaster with his Saul Alinksy radicalism and his efforts to fundamentally change America. This is the most important election since 1860. Together we have to stand shoulder-to-shoulder to get Congress to do the right thing.
BACHMANN - This is the most important election of our lifetime. We were promised hope and change, but this is our chance to get real hope and real change. I know how to grow the economy as a tax attorney and business owner.
SANTORUM - Thanks, Mike, you were a great warrior for faith and family in 2008. What's at the heart of this is that America is a moral enterprise and we are sick inside with 1000s of children being aborted and marriages being attacked and torn apart. I will stand and defend America.
And... scene.
Huck asks the questioners what they thought. Ken says no one bombed but some really shined. Pam says we heard more about the Constitution than all the other debates combined. Scott says we heard they will defend the rights of the states and that's exciting.
What did I think? I liked the format, I liked hearing each candidate having to explain themselves. I hated the grilling from three self-aggrandizing partisans. If it had been three journalists, this would have been much better. On second thought, Huntsman was probably right to skip this.
How'd the candidates do?
1. RON PAUL - He showed that he doesn't plan on overthrowing everything overnight, you have to have gradual change and transition programs. He pled for nullification to return. (I seem to recall South Carolina used nullification in 1860. How'd that turn out?) As usual, he came across as the most sincere one in the group.
2. MITT ROMNEY - Looked very orange. He had no problem going into details; I liked the energy exchange. He stood up for NCLB. Might have been easier for him to flip-flop but he didn't, even though his reasoning (Bush was standing up to the federal teachers!) was iffy.
3. NEWT GINGRICH - Danced around his ad with Nancy Pelosi, skipped over his individual mandate support, but otherwise threw out plenty of red meat for the base.
4. MICHELLE BACHMANN - I knew what she'd say on ObamaCare (it'll destroy the universe) and illegals (let's spend $135 billion to round em all up and ship em out), but when pressed on the EPA, it was clear she hadn't really though the consequences through.
5. RICK SANTORUM - Wants two new Constitutional Amendments for abortion and marriage, but thinks the Patriot Act is a-okay. Running to be Moralist-in-Chief.
6. RICK PERRY - Stumbled badly on the executive order question, seemed to save himself on the Tenth Amendment, then said he wants Constitutional amendments to give Supreme Court justices term limits and ban all abortion. When asked what a strict constructionist is, he didn't answer. He just said read the Constitution and don't try to interpret it. Like the Bible. But he wants an Amendment to give term limits to the Supreme Court... Staggering.