Monday, June 23, 2008

VP Dog-n-Pony show

Is it not a bit silly to go through this ritual of having every politician and his dog "deny" he is up for the role of vice-president? Tim Pawlenty and Tim Kaine go on a Sunday show together and debate - Pawlenty for McCain and Kaine for Obama - and then they each have to get the question if they're up for the role of VP. They chortle, they deny, they say they're not interested, but we all know it's an audition.

I've directed plays before, and one thing you do in casting is see how certain actors pare up off each other. Pawlenty/Kaine. M-hm. Let's see Joseph Biden and Lindsay Graham on Meet the Press. Thank you. Tom Daschle and Tom Ridge on Fox News Sunday. We'll give you a call. I expect a late July Sunday showing for Mitt Romney and James Webb. Somehow I think if Hillary deems to do a Sunday show this summer, she'll be going on by herself.

1 comment:

Ted said...

Pawlenty is simply not gonna cut it. To win, McCain needs Sarah Palin as his veep-mate.

I do believe that Palin will get the nod.

McCain/Palin '08