Sunday, April 10, 2011

InTrade Watch on 2012 GOP Hopefuls

1. (1) Mitt Romney - 26.9%
2. (2) Tim Pawlenty - 16%
3. (3) Mitch Daniels - 8.5%
4. (7) Michelle Bachmann - 7.6%
5. (-) Donald Trump - 6.1%
6. (5) Mike Huckabee - 5%
6. (9) Jon Huntsman - 5%
6. (4) Sarah Palin - 5%
9. (8) Haley Barbour - 4.5%
10.(6) Newt Gingrich - 3.9%

Rising: Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, Donald Trump
Falling: Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie

If Sarah Palin plans to run for president, she'd better do it soon. Michelle Bachmann is ramping up her efforts and getting the supporters, and Palin looks less relevant with each passing week.

Meanwhile Mike Huckabee is another sideline-sitter who needs to decide if he's going to do it or not. He fares well in the occassional poll, but he also looks like one who doesn't want to abandon his cushy Fox News job for another run, even if it's to just block Romney.

Mitt Romney is making the trips and speeches and is absorbing more and more the front-runner mantle. Tim Pawlenty and Mitch Daniels, methinks, really need the first debate to truly get their momentum going.

And Donald Trump, well, he's making headlines with the birther thing. Maybe it's all an elaborate stunt to boost the ratings for Celebrity Apprentice.

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