Monday, July 25, 2011

Regarding 'The Undefeated'

There hasn't been and never will be a presidential candidate where I'd want to see a rah-rah "only the good stuff" documentary of their political career in a movie theater. The unsubtle Sarah Palin documentary The Undefeated dropped over 60% in its second weekend and now will be looking for Video-on-Demand release. Maybe I'll see it on DVD if she actually runs. I don't think she'll run.

Rick Perry continues to make bedroom eyes toward GOP donors, hinting, flirting, teasing that he might get in the race. I can actually see him jumping in. I don't think he'd beat Mitt Romney as easily as some think, but he'd make it a tighter race, as long-term very few believe Michelle Bachmann could actually win the nomination.

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